2nd National Congress of Pastors
My work in Bolivia is to train leaders, which sometimes feels less important to me than, say, providing food or medical care. But it is desperately needed! The Bolivian Evangelical Lutheran Church has over 100 congregations, with fewer than 30 ordained pastors! Most churches are led by lay people with no training. The only Spanish-speaking Lutheran seminary in the hemisphere is in Mexico City, and even that is too expensive for our students. How can people learn about their faith?

We recently held an educational event for church leaders, ordained or lay. Nearly 80 people spent a day and a half growing in faith and leadership on the theme of Baptism. And such an interested crowd! It is clear that the Church in Bolivia is full of people excited to understand what we believe in the Lutheran Community. To God’s beloved people here, learning about faith truly is important. It is how we begin to live into our new baptized identity and calling.
About Aaron
I’m surprised to be in Bolivia, being just a kid from Hamburg, PA. After working in Information Technology for a few years, I went to seminary in Chicago, and served as a pastor in New England. I studied for a second Master’s in Old Testament at Princeton, and chance (or the Holy Spirit) sent me to be a seminary professor in Malaysia for a year. I was privileged to be an interim pastor during the height of the pandemic, and then found myself here in February. I’m very happy so far!
I am so grateful for your love and care, supporting this valuable work in South America!
Prayer Request
For strength and courage for Bolivian lutheran women who struggle to achieve equal legitimacy in their ministries as their male colleagues.