Verena Wells School, Caranavi
22 young women, ages 5 to 18, live together in a small, yellow, 4-story building, by a church that collapsed years ago and is still being rebuilt. They visit their home villages on the weekends, but spend most of their time in the “big” city (it barely qualifies according to my definition). In the morning, the high schoolers attend class on the first floor while their younger housemates do homework, clean, learn to use the computer, make bread and yogurt to sell, and prepare lunch. Afterward, they swap spaces.
On Monday evenings, they learn to value the Image of God within themselves and stand against the historical subordination and abuse of women. Tuesdays, they learn dance, just for fun. I met them for religion class on Thursday while in town for an adult class on the “End Times”. I was supposed to teach the Ten Commandments, but I think I learned more than them!
At 8pm on Sundays, city plaza fills with adults and street performers; adults bring children, but the street shows are not for them. Students at Verena Wells school decided to fix this: They teach dance, give a reflection, and just have fun. They get more attention than the adult performers now, and see themselves as community leaders.

Without this ministry (in this case, supported by Lutherans in Finland), these girls could not have an education. Their lives would repeat the abuse of previous generations. Instead, Lutherans offer them a different path—a real resurrection in Jesus Christ—and they revel in this renewed life.
I am so grateful for your love and care, supporting resurrection and education in South America!
Prayer Request
For those stuck in cycles of abuse, that they may have the courage to reach for renewed life, and an opportunity to find it.