Formal Education

8/2024–Pres.Ph.D. in Biblical Interpretation
Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University
Fort Worth, TX
(On Hold)
M.S.Ed. in Adult Education
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN

Intercultural Competency Certificate
9/2017–5/2018Th.M. in Old Testament
Princeton Theological Seminary
Princeton, NJ

Thesis—Prophet, Interrupted: The Visions of Amos 7:1–8:2 in Dialogue with the Bethel Narrative
8/2006–5/2010Master of Divinity
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
Chicago, IL
10/2003–12/2005B.S. in Information Technology
Albright College
Reading, PA
Highest Honors
1/2002–12/2002A.A.S. in Business Software Development
Reading Area Community College
Reading, PA
High Honors

Academic Work Experience

10/2021–Pres.Theological Educator
Ev. Lutheran Ch. of Bolivia
La Paz, Bolivia
1/2019–10/2019Visiting Lecturer in Old Testament
Semenari Theoloji Malaysia (Malaysia Theological Seminary)
Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

Courses Offered
– Old Testament Survey; Intro to OT Study
– Biblical Interpretation/Exegetical Methods (Intensive)
– Prophetic Books
– Minor Prophets
– Elementary Hebrew
– Independent Studies in Leviticus and in Leadership; Thesis Supervisor; Thesis Reader
1/2006–8/2006Adjunct Instructor in Computer Programming
Reading Area Community College
Reading, PA

Courses Offered:
Introduction to Computers
Visual Basic Programming (Beginning and Advanced, incl. Database Development)
Advanced RPG-IV Programming
C++ Programming (Beginning and Advanced, incl. OOP)

Pastoral Work Experience

2/2020–9/2021Transitional Pastor
Faith Lutheran Church
Reading, PA
2/2020–9/2021Designated Pastor
Bethany Lutheran Church
Reading, PA
9/2017–12/2018Supply Pastor
ELCA New Jersey and Northeast Pennsylvania Synods
Christ Lutheran Church
West Boylston, MA
10/2010–8/2017Associate Pastor
Immanuel Lutheran Church
Holden, MA
10/2010–12/2012Director of Public Policy Advocacy
ELCA New England Synod
8/2008–7/2009Vicar (Pastoral Intern)
First Lutheran Church
Omaha, NE
5/2007–5/2008Worship Assistant for the Chapel
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
Chicago, IL

Publications, etc.


Bible BooksA Prophecy Smorgasbord
An Old Testament Smorgasbord
Acts of the Apostles (3-yr Study)
The Revelation to John (1-yr Study)
Reading Prophecy: Five Biblical Prophets
Bible TopicsThe Bible and Adaptive Leadership
Faith and Politics: Amos and Revelation
Biblical Stewardship
LanguageUsing Hebrew Without Knowing Hebrew
Basic Spanish for the Church
Church LifeSampling Christian Spirituality
Forming Faith and Finding Joy
Intergenerational Worship
Food Justice
TheologyLutheran Spirituality
Historical Development of Western Liturgy
The Doctrine of Justification