Today, we thank you, O God, for grocery store delivery. Even if you can’t get quite everything that way. I don’t know why they don’t list that awesome kimchi on the website either, and it is frustrating. But there are worse things in life, and honestly, not having to deal with the stress of finding everything in who knows what aisle, reading food labels in languages you don’t know, and transporting it all home without a car of your own— seriously, this is clearly a sign of your love. Amen.
Category: Little Prayers
Today, we thank you, O God, for the hilarious confusion that language causes. Today, the Tower of Babel caused me to tell the security guard that I was going to go have some shoes. Why? The word for “shoe” and the word for “store” are both 5-letter words that start with a K in Malay. Oh well; I’m having fun, anyway. Amen.
Today, we thank you, God, for the gift of living in a place of safety and life. Even though the jerks celebrating the 8th day of the Lunar New Year next door are making it sound like an honest-to-God war zone with their after-midnight fireworks. Amen.
Today, we thank you, God, that most toilets in this country are the sit-down kind, instead of the squat-down kind like I finally had to use today. I ask your forgiveness, and the forgiveness of the janitor that must follow me, each time I face this trial again. Amen.
Today, we thank you God for the sudden downpour that came 30 minutes after returning home, inside the house, from a mini-vacation, instead of yesterday during the four or so hours I was walking around outside Melaka (Malacca). Amen.