Category: Little Prayers

Today we thank you, O God, that I was smart enough to check if the washing machine drain hose went anywhere before running it. It does. On the floor. Dodged that one! Amen.

Today we thank you, O God, for the questionable joy of learning to eat Indian curry with my fingers. Could have done without accidentally pouring it down my white shirt, though. Also I think I need to wash my hands again. And again. Amen.

Today we thank you, O God, that even when I’m not feeling particularly patriotic, my students will still take any reason to celebrate with food. In this case, BBQ ribs. Because America. Amen.

(They forced me to take the pictures.)

Today we thank you, O God, for the Rev. Dr. Sivin Kit. Some professors are good at their field, and others are fun to be around. He managed to be both. The Semenari Theoloji Malaysia community will miss his theology and ethics, but especially his presence as a friend. And now I don’t know who I’ll get to take me to lunch when I’m feeling the 9,000 miles between me and home! Safe travels, Sivin. I can’t wait to see what the Holy Spirit does “in, with, and under” you at the Luther World Federation in Geneva. Amen.

Today we thank you, O God, that my music studies were actually useful in a lecture! And also for that feeling of joy when all the post-lecture questions are ones you can answer, even if you blather a bit while doing it. Amen.

Today we thank you, O God, for the little lizard hiding in the garbage that I was taking out. It brought excitement to an otherwise quiet evening. Although, I might say, just informationally, that sometimes having just “quiet” is okay. Amen.

Today we thank you, O God, for dreams that come from anxiety over the first week of the semester. With them, I get to spend so much extra time in the classroom! I’d like to know, though, how students managed to build a library and functioning coffee shop in a small classroom when I asked them to rearrange their desks. Dreams are weird. Amen.

Today we thank you, O God, for the cantor chanting the call to prayer at the little mosque near me yesterday. He clearly was not into it that day, and it made me double over in laughter. May I fill others with as much joy on my off days. Amen.

Today we thank you, O God, for catchy Disney songs that get stuck in my head. Haha J/K please let me have my brain back. Amen.

Today we thank you, O God, for the waiter yesterday who asked, “Are you from Peru?” when I ordered a burrito off the menu. They had a special Tex-Mex menu and everyone in the restaurant was eating burritos. I have no idea how his logic worked, but it was hilarious. Amen.

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