Educational Resources

Intro to the Old Testament

This Bethel Seminary course, intended for all interested people, is the basic introductory course in the Old Testament part of our Bible. It is currently in development. Lessons from the textbook will be added below as they are prepared. Course Eng. Esp. Aym. The Word of God Strategies for interpreting scripture and its authority All […]



The events, according to my poor recollection are here. Skip them if you know them: Late last summer, the Sierra Pacific Synod of the ELCA, my beloved Church body, met to elect a new bishop. I tuned in, excited they might elect Rev. Dr. Meghan Rohrer as not only the first transgender bishop of the […]

Little Prayers

Prayer for 26 Apr, 2022

Today we thank you, O God, for my colleagues’ senses of humor. When I heard I’d need a sleeping bag for this weekend’s congregation visit, I jokingly asked if it was a 4-star hotel. He responded, “No, a million stars,” and sent this photo. What have I gotten myself into? Amen.

Confessional Lutheran


I am a Confessional Lutheran. Today, a Lutheran pastor colleague asked me, with some timidity, if I would have joined her at a Holy Week Eucharist put on by the Methodist Church. Originally, she had been asked to offer one of the readings, but at the last minute, was pulled into the celebration of Holy […]



Palm Sunday — Luke 19:29–40 El Sinai Lutheran Church, Rio Seco Neighborhood, El Alto, Bolivia This sermon was originally delivered in Spanish—my first sermon in the language! If you want to read it in the original language, check out the language buttons at the top of the page. If they had known what kind of […]

Little Prayers

Prayer for 6 Mar, 2022

Today we thank you, O God, for the gift of sunscreen. After all, it’s the middle of summer in a tropical latitude here. Just because it’s chilly in the mountains, doesn’t mean I won’t get a sunburn. Maybe someday I’ll learn. Amen.

The Story of a Stupid American in Foreign Lands

Part 7: TMI Edition

Now that I’ve moved to Bolivia and been here for about ten days, here is some lovely information about my intestinal health that you never asked for! Yes, I am making VERY sure I am never more than twenty steps away from a bathroom. No, it was NOT the salad I ate the other day. […]


117th House, Resolution 1155

The first legislative bill I’ve ever read was today’s Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act. It was introduced by Rep. Jim McGovern from my past home state of Massachusetts, and Rep. Marco Rubio of Florida helped to rewrite it so it could pass through the House. This bill treats foreign economic policy with the People’s Republic […]

Little Prayers

Prayer for 10 Dec, 2021

Today we give you thanks, O God, that even if it takes a long time, the most overpowering fears can be overcome. After 13 months, Moses came and sat on my lap, and it’s lovely. Amen.

The Story of a Stupid American in Foreign Lands

Part 6: New Apartment

Malaysia: How’d you like to move out of the guest dorms and into a real apartment? American: No thanks, I’m pretty comfortable where I am. M: You’d have a kitchen. A: I would? Oh. Oh! That sounds nice. Okay I’m in. M: Heh-heh-heh. A: What’s that laugh for? M: Um. It’s just delight at how […]