Hoy te damos gracias, Dios, para el regalo de inodoros. No solo funcionan bien en su trabajo, pero mi gato parece que creer que si va detrás de ellos, se vuelve invisible. Ciertamente una herramienta con muchos propósitos. Amén.
Author: Aaron
Gracia Juntos
Feriado de la Reformación — Jeremías 31:31–34. También fue mi día última predicar en Las Iglesias Luteranas Fe y Betania en Reading, Pennsylvania, EEUU.
El representante para Sudamerica de nuestra iglesia luterana, Gustavo Driau, me recomendó que busco un copia de un libro que se llama “Las Venas Abiertas de América Latina.” Las venas a que ese titulo refiere son las venas de metales útiles y preciosos que están en el parte sur de este hemisferio, las minas y otras industrias en las Américas coloniales que hablan español y portugués.
Pero es también un titulo con doble sentido. Cuando los Europeos llegaron en este “mundo nuevo” en la víspera de la reformación protestante; cuando el hemisferio este estaba descubriendo de nuevo la gracia radical del Dios que nos libre de pecado y muerte; al mismo vez esclavizaron la gente que encontró aquí, que ya vivieron en el hemisferio oeste, y a través de su pecado gravísimo, arrancaron las venas de sangre de estas personas bonitas hecho por Dios, condenarlos a muerte.
Continue readingGrace Together
Festival of the Reformation — Jeremiah 31:31–34. This was also my final Sunday with Faith and Bethany Lutheran Churches in Reading, PA.
Our Lutheran Church’s official representative for South America, Gustavo Driau, suggested I pick up a copy of a book called “Open Veins of Latin America.” The veins that the title refers to are the veins of useful and precious metals running through the southern part of this hemisphere, the mines and other industries of the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking colonial Americas.
But it’s also a title with a double meaning. When the Europeans arrived in this new world on the eve of the Protestant Reformation, when the Eastern hemisphere was discovering again the radical grace of God that sets us free from the powers of sin and death, they enslaved the people they found already living here in the Western hemisphere, and through their own grave sin, tore open the blood vessels of these beautiful people made by God, condemning them to death.
Continue readingOración para 27 Oct, 2021
Hoy te damos gracias, Dios, para la “Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory” examen. Especialmente la pregunta en la mitad del examen que dice, “Verdadero o Falso: Te sientes como a menudo estas probado.” Me rei en voz alta. Amén.
Prayer for Oct 27, 2021
Today I thank you, O God, for the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. Especially the question in the middle of the test that asks, “True or false: You feel like you’re being tested often.” It made me laugh out loud. Amen.
Prophets: Amos
Lectionary 28 (B) — Amos 5:6–15; Mark 10:17–31
Seek the Lord and live.
At first, I was annoyed at my schedule. If I’m here for all of October, couldn’t I have kept working? If Global Mission had just made up their minds sooner, we could have gone an extra month. But now I’ve started preparing for the move. It’s more difficult than I’d thought. Exactly twenty-one days from now, I have to hop in the car and leave, for good. I’m not sure I’ll be ready.
Continue readingEndings and Beginnings
Lectionary 26 (B) — Numbers 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29; Mark 9:38–50
Before I begin, there are two details I need to address, that don’t fit in my sermon. The first is about cutting off your hand or plucking out your eye. Sometimes we try to soften Jesus’ hard sayings, and usually that’s a mistake. But this time, he is using exaggeration to make his point. There are rare illnesses that cause people to physically harm themselves. I’m certain Jesus would send them to medical professionals for help, and not want people to actually mutilate their bodies. It just needs to be said out loud.
Second, I changed words reading the Gospel. You know the Bible was written in Hebrew and Greek, and then translated to English. Our English Bible says, “thrown into hell,” but I said, “in the trash.” Actually, the word “hell” isn’t in the Bible anywhere. That doesn’t mean there is no hell; it just means the Bible’s words are different. Jesus actually says, “Gehinnom.” This is the name of the valley just south of Jerusalem where the city’s trash was taken and dumped. Like the mines under Centralia, Pennsylvania, at some point in history the trash caught fire, and couldn’t be put out; it had to run its course. We eventually came to think of an eternal, hellish punishment, but I personally think the idea of just being thrown away really drives the point home. Thanks, Jesus.
Continue readingLike Children
Lectionary 25 (B) — Mark 9:30–37
I think one of the reasons I get along so well with children is that I’m still one of them. That seems like a bad thing; an adult, “entering” middle age, who hasn’t “grown up” yet. But that’s not what I mean. I pay my bills and have a career. But in the ways it counts, I wonder if we’d all be better off if we were more like children.
Continue readingA Failure to Communicate
Lectionary 24 (B) — James 3:1–12, Mark 8:27–38
Our biggest problem is often a failure to communicate. For example, last week, I preached on James, and said that Martin Luther, who gave birth to Lutheranism 500 years ago, was wrong to reject the book. A few days later, I got an email suggesting that I was too quick to declare Luther “wrong.” This is one of the things I love most about being pastor HERE: I have often, from a variety of people, been challenged on my theology and my reading of scripture. Some congregations are afraid to ask questions; other antagonize their pastor. Here, questions are asked with the desire to learn, to explore together, to deepen faith seeking understanding. Any worthy pastor loves the opportunity to dialogue, and I am no exception.
Continue readingJustification and Sanctification
Lectionary 23 (B) — James 2:1–17 and, in a way, The Formula of Concord, Article IV
When Martin Luther translated the Bible into German, he wanted to skip the book of James (though he couldn’t bring himself to do it, since it IS scripture, after all). He wrote that it could not have been written by a real apostle, since it contradicts the writings of Paul and the rest of scripture. He calls it a Gospel made of straw, ready to be blown over by the slightest wind. So, whenever it comes up in the lectionary, I like to preach on it, just on principle, because I… am a little snot.
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