Good Friday – Luke 20:1-15, Lamentations 3:1-9, 19-24
Preached at Oakdale United Methodist Church, as part of West Boylston’s ecumenical Good Friday worship.
If we are involved regularly with the scriptures, we end up developing a sort of relationship with different texts in the Bible. There are the parts that we fall in love with, that we can’t hear enough. For me, Jeremiah 31 is one of them, a passage that speaks so clearly of the Gospel, God’s promise to write his Word on our hearts, and that we will be God’s people, and He will be our God. Then there are those bits that we’ve heard a billion times, and are confident we know well and understand. When the father of the prodigal son runs out to welcome him home, we can see the powerful way that God yearns for us to return to Him, that He runs out to greet us. And then there are the parts of scripture that are confusing, that no matter how often we read them, we just don’t quite get it. Like the parable in today’s Gospel story.
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