Easter 7(B) – 1 John 5:[6-8,] 9-13
We’ve been reading through the letter of First John this Easter season, and it’s a hard text to read. The author of the letter doesn’t exactly work in linear fashion, arguing like Paul for a particular theological interpretation of the Christ event. Instead, he deals in images and circular reasoning, coming back to ideas he’s only touched on before, wandering off in confusing asides, and really making it quite difficult to understand what he’s talking about. We get some of the worst of it today: The beginning of our second reading today insists that Jesus came “not by the water only, but by the water and the blood.” It tells us that the “Spirit and the water and the blood” testify to Jesus as the Son of God, and they agree. And if you have no idea what all this means, well, you’re in good company.
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