Sermon for Maundy Thursday on Ezekiel 1 and John 13:1–17, 31b–35. Proclaimed at Semenari Theoloji Malaysia.
Bear Creek Camp is the largest of the Lutheran Outdoor Ministries in America. Over twelve square kilometers of forest are there, with rivers, swampland, mountains, and incredible wildlife. Starting when I was just six years old, I spent eleven joyful summers there, playing games and going on hikes and falling in love with God’s creation. It is the place I first learned about God’s unconditional love for each person and thing that He made, and not just from studies and good talk. In my group, I was always the one in the back. The fat kid who never exercised and couldn’t keep up with everyone else. The distracted kid who was too busy looking at the bugs and rocks and ferns to realize that the rest of the campers were hundreds of meters ahead. In any other place, the other children would have hated me. But here, I never felt like a burden, and I always felt like I mattered. Like I really was the beloved child of God that they said I became when I was Baptized.