Little Prayers

Prayer for Nov 29, 2021

Today we thank you, O God, for Kathy Holm’s strawberry preserves. They’re even good in Michigan. Amen.

Little Prayers

Prayer for Nov 12, 2021

Today we thank you, O God, for my brother and my sister-in-law, and the chance to spend some time with them as adults. If I worked as hard as them, in their jobs and in their homes, I’d be no fun to be around. But instead, I find them to be really wonderful people that […]

Little Prayers

Prayer for Nov 11, 2021

Today we thank you, O God, for the gift of washing machines. They make it much easier to clean a two year-old’s poop out of a bathroom rug. Amen.

Little Prayers

Prayer for Nov. 1, 2021

Today we thank you, O God, for the gift of toilets. Not only do they do their job well, but my cat seems to think that if he goes behind them, he becomes invisible. A multipurpose tool indeed. Amen.