
Prophets: Habakkuk

Sermon Series, Readings from the Minor Prophets — Habakkuk 3:2–4, 17–19; Revelation 21:1–6 Today is the last of our series on the minor prophets. There are seven more of them, these little books at the end of our Old Testament, and I’d encourage you to explore them if you’ve never had the chance. But today, […]


Prophets: Nahum

Sermon Series, Readings from the Minor Prophets — Nahum 1:1–8, 15; Mark 7:14–15, 21–30 Sacramento, California is in the middle of a crisis. Like many places in the state, unemployment and homelessness are at a shockingly high rate, but that’s not the biggest problem. The city is surrounded by wildfires running out of control. But […]


Prophets: Haggai

Sermon Series, Readings from the Minor Prophets — Haggai 1:16b–2:9 The Israelites had been trapped in a foreign land for seventy years. Generations came and went. Their elders told stories of the beautiful land, flowing with milk and honey, they came from. Now their captors had been defeated by a new army from the southeast, […]


Prophets: Hosea

Sermon Series, Readings from the Minor Prophets — Hosea 2:2–7, 16–20; 11:1–9; Revelation 19:1–9a I have this recurring dream. It takes place now, in 2021. But I’m back in college, in Alma, Michigan, where I had my first try at school. I took a long time to grow up and become the brilliant, successful, charming […]


Prophets: Joel

Sermon Series, Readings from the Minor Prophets: Joel 1:11–14, 1:19–2:2, 2:18–24 There’s one thing about Lutherans everywhere: We’re love food. So when we had a week-long summer program for teenagers in Massachusetts, food was an easy topic. One day, we went to a produce stand for lunch. The fruits and vegetables for sale were grown […]