Little Prayers

Today we thank you, O God, for catchy Disney songs that get stuck in my head. Haha J/K please let me have my brain back. Amen.

The Story of a Stupid American in Foreign Lands

Part 4: Things I Have Learned in Singapore

It is too hot. Life is more fun if you get out of the tourist zone. Screaming children in public places don’t bother me that much. Public places with air conditioning help because it is too hot. When you wander by the Anglican cathedral, glance at all the signs. It is fun to discover that […]

Little Prayers

Today we thank you, O God, for the waiter yesterday who asked, “Are you from Peru?” when I ordered a burrito off the menu. They had a special Tex-Mex menu and everyone in the restaurant was eating burritos. I have no idea how his logic worked, but it was hilarious. Amen.


Who Are We?

There are many things about the Church here in Southeast Asia that are surprising to me, and quite different from my Northeast United States of American context back home. I expected that. I did not expect what those things would be.