Little Prayers

Today we thank you, O God, for the Grab (Uber) driver who let me speak Malay with him. First time I had a real conversation and I did pretty well! Seronoknya! Amen.

Little Prayers

Today we give you thanks, O God, for surprise cucumbers. Not, “Aaah! It jumped out at me from behind the door” surprise cucumbers, which would be very troubling. But “Oh, I forgot I bought that” surprise cucumbers. Because I love cucumbers, and I wanted a vegetable, and I’m out of kimchi, and I didn’t feel […]

Little Prayers

Today we give you thanks, O God, for civit cats sneaking into the chapel. This is a month old now, but honestly… CUUUUUTE! Amen.

Little Prayers

Today we give you thanks, O God, for the gift of Google Translate. For Psalm 34:8a in English is, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” But if you take the Chinese and pass it through Google into English, you get, “You have to taste the taste of the Lord; I know that He […]

Little Prayers

Today we thank you, O God, for thunderstorms. They are a great way to turn 34°C (93°F) into 27°C (84°F). Amen.

Little Prayers

Today we thank you, O God, for the confusion of dreams hanging onto those first few moments of wakefulness. Asking Siri when the plane you think you are on will land (while in your bedroom) is a hilarious way to start your day. Amen.

Little Prayers

Today we thank you, O God, for the ability to go grocery shopping without having to put on pants. Technology is weird. Amen.

Little Prayers

Today we thank you, O God, that every story has two sides. And especially that when the side of the oppressed is robbed of their voice, you raise up prophets to speak for them. Today, especially, I think of the Rev. Dr. Alex Awad, though there are many others. Their voice speaks for you. Amen.


Late 2019: BS601 — Prophetic Books


Late 2019: BS103b — Introduction to the Old Testament