
Power and Expectations

Sermon on Daniel 7:9–14, Revelation 1:4b–8, and John 18:33–37. Preached at Becker’s St. Peter’s Lutheran, Fleetwood, PA. The people of St. Bartholomew Lutheran Church knew exactly what they wanted in a pastor. Good preaching, engaging worship, children’s ministry, and tending the old Swedish traditions of the congregation. What they got was Pastor Jane. She looked […]


The End (Excerpt)

Sermon on Mark 13:1–8. Preached at Zion’s Lutheran, Shoemakersville, PA. The end of the world. With all the work I did with teenagers in my ministry up north, I learned that there were a few things that would always come up when we’d just get talking. This was one, and no surprise. We’ve been fascinated […]


Jan 2019: TEE Elective — Minor Prophets


Just Do the Math

Sermon on Mark 12: 38–44 and 1 Kings 17:8–16. Proclaimed at Trinity Lutheran in West Hazelton, PA and St. Luke Lutheran in Freedland, PA. The widow’s two pennies, as taught by my Sunday school teachers, involved the kind of financial accounting appropriate to second-grade minds. The rich put in large sums of money, but had […]


Cafeteria Clique

On Revelation 21:1–7a. At Immanuel Lutheran Church, Holden, MA. The cafeteria at a prestigious research-oriented graduate school like Princeton Seminary is no different from somewhere like, say, “Public District Elementary School Number 7.” The popular kids still sit on one side while the misfits sit on the other. When I first arrived in Princeton, I […]


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