

Holy Trinity Sunday (C) – Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31; Romans 5:1-5; John 16:12-15 God the Father is Creator.  God the Son is Creator.  God the Spirit is Creator. We have this wonderful illustration of God’s creativity in our Old Testament reading today from Proverbs.  Wisdom, here, one of God’s attributes, is presented as a separate, personal […]


Lillian’s Laughter

Funeral of Lillian Twarog – Proverbs 31:25-31, 2 Corinthians 4:14-18, Luke 24:1-7 I love the choice of our first reading today, the one from Proverbs.  Just in general, it’s a delightful reading, because of its poetic description of a good and capable wife.  (You can extend it words to mother or grandmother if you like.)  […]


Unexpected Places

Seventh Sunday After Easter (C) – Acts 16:16-34 In 2002, after my first attempt at college, I dropped out and moved back in with my mother.  This meant that I also started attending church again.  There was a Lutheran church in the little town where I had gone to school, but it was a Wisconsin Synod […]