
Power Over Death

Easter 2(A) – Acts 2:14a, 22-32; 1 Peter 1:3-9; John 20:19-31 A few weeks ago, I got to attend a funeral for a relative of one of our members over in West Boylston.  I don’t get to just attend very often, always stuck up front.  So I got to just look around and notice some […]


New and Old Things

Marriage of Kelly Wrightson and Jason GaumondJeremiah 31:31-34; 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13; John 15:9-14 “I am doing something new here,” says the Lord through the prophet Jeremiah.  I don’t normally think to choose Jeremiah for a wedding.  Weddings are, of course, happy occasions, and Jeremiah is an angry guy.  He spends most of his book shouting […]



Maundy Thursday – Exodus 12:1-14; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 Do you remember that time when Adam sat in his birthday cake?  Or that wonderful story about the nativity set when I was five?  Or cousin Joey, and the cheese, and that thing Grandma said that stopped everyone in their tracks?  No?  Well, let me tell you…. […]



Lent 5(A) – John 11:1-45 “Lazarus is dead,” Jesus says.  Thomas tells us to “go too, so we may die with him.”  And we do.  Lazarus’ death is a chance to talk about ours. There are many parts of ourselves that are dead, or at least dying.  Those things about ourselves that make us different […]