
Divine Madness

Good Friday – Luke 20:1-15, Lamentations 3:1-9, 19-24Preached at Oakdale United Methodist Church, as part of West Boylston’s ecumenical Good Friday worship. If we are involved regularly with the scriptures, we end up developing a sort of relationship with different texts in the Bible.  There are the parts that we fall in love with, that […]


Father, I Am Hungry

Lent 4(C) – Joshua 5:9-12, Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32.  Preached at Christ Lutheran, West Boylston. Father, I am hungry. Says the little girl to her dad as they walk another day through the wilderness.  The man is weary from the walk, surrounded by thousands of other Israelite families, wandering toward some land that they supposedly were […]



Lent 3(C) – Luke 13:1-9Preached at Christ Lutheran Church, West Boylston My father was an expert gardener. In addition to an orchard of fifteen fruit trees, cherries and apples, chestnuts and pears, my father cultivated a large, beautiful vegetable garden. Every year, we would have fresh broccoli, carrots, potatoes, rhubarb, beans, onions grown in our […]