Today we thank you, O God, for giving me the peace and composure necessary to refrain from punching that bitchy, entitled British asshole, explaining to his friends that politeness has long been lost in Asia, in earshot of the very nice woman making his coffee at only the speed possible for the one-cup-at-a-time espresso machine. I of course find that people here are quite friendly, but then I am nice to them also. Had I been her, I’d have looked him dead in the eye, said “I’m sorry Sir, but I am not able to speak English very well, and don’t understand what it is you want to order” in a flawless British accent, poured his coffee down the drain, and moved on to the next customer. Had I hit the guy, it might have momentarily felt worth it, but I suspect going to a Malaysian prison for assault and battery ultimately wouldn’t have been much fun. Oh, your mercies are never-ending. Amen.